Why enter

The deadline to enter the Nursing Time Awards 2024 is Friday 10th May 2024.

Winning a Nursing Times Award not only provides you and your team with the recognition you deserve in a glittering evening celebrating your achievements, but also has a whole host of benefits you might not have realised.

What can winning a Nursing Times Award do for you and your team?

  • Be part of an elite crowd of award winners: join the Nursing Times Awards winners' club, we don’t give our awards to just anyone
  • Make a name for yourself: gain recognition for the innovative and excellent care you and your team are providing
  • Share best practice and help improve the profession: promote and share your work to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare providers across the UK
  • Show your dedication: highlight your commitment to the future of the nursing profession and attract more nurses to your organisation
  • Give your CV a boost: set yourself apart from the crowd and open yourself up to exciting career opportunities
  • Recognise your potential: everyone needs validation at times and what better confirmation that you and your team are on the right path than a Nursing Times Award?
  • Network with high-level nurses: meet important figures in the nursing community and take hold of your future career path

Please note that live judging for the shortlist takes place between the 11 – 20 September 2024 at our central London offices:

emap Publishing Ltd
4th Floor
Harmsworth House
13-15 Bouverie Street

Top tips

Our panel of judges have provided some tips to help you when submitting your entry. Please take note of the information below

Your entry:

  • Stick to the word limits
  • Don’t repeat yourself 
  • Be specific 
  • Keep it simple and put the facts…don’t fill with things you don’t need. Bullets points can help provide the clear points
  • Tell a story, use the summary box to do this. It’s a great way to introduce your entry to the judges 
  • If you’re re-submitting your initiative, ensure your entry highlights developments since the previous year. The judges will want to see growth
  • Use up-to-date evidence 
  • Answer the questions asked, don’t go off topic 
  • Work with communication teams within your trust to help write the application
  • Remember there is no right or wrong answer


Always back up your entry with relevant evidence, examples of some evidence judges want to see are below:

  • Feedback - patient/ staff 
  • Posters
  • Audits
  • Quality of life scores 
  • Documents
  • Pictures
  • Data
  • Patient stories

Try to condense you pieces of evidence into five documents.

Key Dates

Entry deadline:
Stage 1: Online Judging
Shortlist announcement:
Stage 2: Live Judging
Nursing Times Awards Ceremony:


To view the criteria, create your account, or login with your email and password used to create your account if you have already done so. Select ‘Enter Now’ against the category you wish to view where the criteria will be displayed. If you wish to start your entry at this point any information you add will be autosaved and you can login to complete the rest of the entry at any time.

Enter the email address and password that you used when you first started your entry on the log in page, you will then be taken through to your dashboard and will be able to continue your entry.

You can enter another category by selecting the category you wish to enter from the ‘Categories’ section.

Please contact Rafael Younes on e: 020 3953 2115 / e: rafael.younes@emap.com or Joshua Griggs on t: 0203 953 2633 / e: joshua.griggs@emap.com and they will be able to help you with your entry.