Nursing in Social Care


Care UK: Hear well

For many people living with dementia, travelling to an appointment and having a stranger provide audiology services is stressful. It can result in treatment refusal, so providing it in a familiar environment by someone they know increases the chance of successful outcomes. This project aimed to identify and treat reversible hearing loss. All residents who wanted a hearing check, including otoscopy, had one. When reversible hearing loss through wax impaction was identified, residents underwent a short treatment and their hearing was restored. This service improved quality of life and reduced the impact of social isolation. As a result, a nurse in each region will be trained to identify residents who will benefit from hearing checks, otoscopy and microsuction as part of the wider package of care in all 152 care homes.


Dorothy House Hospice Care: Enhancing end-of-life quality of care: The Tulip certificate

This certificate was launched to support non-registered staff and formally recognise their value. Three-day training is followed by three follow-up sessions on a monthly basis. Now recognised and used in local care homes, it has also been adapted for staff who are new to care.

Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership: Care Provider Olympics

Providers were invited to host an Olympic-style event to promote the positive effects of physical activity, flight deconditioning, and share resources, ideas and good practice. A bulletin shared news of the campaign. Hundreds of staff learned from the initiative.

Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership: Impact of a hydration quality improvement programme in care homes

Interventions and an educational package to improve staff recognition/ response to residents’ hydration needs were launched. These led to residents having fewer urinary tract infections and better quality of life, and improved communication between staff.

Kineton Manor Nursing Home: Teaching Care Home Project

The project was initiated to improve the experiences of people with dementia by raising awareness and enhancing people’s care and environment. Staff training was implemented and a quiet room created.

Landermeads Nursing Home: Quality of life and continence promotion in long-term dementia care

This home ‘grows its own’ staff and its training focuses on empathy. Problems due to inappropriate continence products were addressed. Residents are happier and behaviors of concern, falls and urinary tract infections have reduced.

Nightingale Hammerson: Outstanding holistic care-home care

To deliver outstanding care to older Jewish people in two care homes, the director of care engaged with universities to take part in 15 research studies within a year. The first ever Care Home Research Forum, in which researchers presented study outcomes, was also organised.

North Central London Training Hubs and North Central London ICB: Project G.A.R.D.E.N.

Nurse educators engaged staff and residents to reconnect with nature by sending them sunflower seeds. Flower growth was measured and compared at a fortnightly virtual meeting. Participants became confident communicating digitally, and their physical activity and connections with each other improved.

Ocean Healthcare: Nurse-led complex care

A team of carers, supported by nurses, was set up to support case managers providing health and social care. Homebased and complex care was delivered, with digital care records produced to aid multidisciplinary team care planning. Pressure on the wider team was reduced with no compromises to care.

StellarCare NW: Delivering coordinated care at home: a nurse-led approach to improve client outcomes

An initiative was launched to meet the changing clinical needs of clients at home. Live reporting systems meant concerns were raised and reviewed in real time, and health professionals informed. Treatment could be started quickly, which helped prevent disease, hospital admissions and associated costs.

Sutton Health and Care and Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust: Learning disability health facilitation project

Clinics, home visits, support centres and school outreach services were launched to facilitate annual health checks for people with a learning disability. All reasonable adjustments were made and easy-read leaflets were produced, along with customised actions plans. Uptake of annual health checks increased.

Wren Hall Nursing Home: Using digitalisation to recognise deterioration earlier in frail older people with complex needs

Devices that could read and record clinical observations were sourced to ascertain whether digital technology could help predict deterioration in frail older care home residents with complex needs. Hospitalisations were prevented.