HRH The Prince of Wales Award for Integrated Approaches to Care


Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust: Operation Provide

Operation Provide was originally set up during the Covid-19 pandemic to address concerns of hidden harms associated with ‘locked-in’ victims of domestic violence. NHS-employed independent domestic violence advisers joined police oficers from Lancashire Constabulary on patrol and, when deployed to incidents of domestic abuse, delivered risk assessments and safety planning, as well as emotional, informational and advocacy support to victims.

The initiative has supported more than 3,000 people and, due to its success, received funding from the Ministry of Justice, which has enabled it to continue beyond its original remit. In addition, it has now been launched as a national homicide prevention framework.


Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust: Emergency department nurse navigators

Specialist nurses trained and experienced in sexual and criminal exploitation, safeguarding and trauma-informed care were recruited to work alongside staf in the emergency department. They visit hotspots to find at-risk children and prevent them becoming victims of violence. Expanding the service to span Lancashire reduced health inequalities, serious violence and knife crime.

Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust: Proactive Care Team

Two trusts, several GP federations and voluntary sector partners joined forces to create a multidisciplinary team that aimed to prevent ill health and support recovery in people who were unwell. Cross-working systems and processes were established, and patient health outcomes improved.

Essex Partnership University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust: Mental health urgent care department

Several trusts and Essex Police joined forces and opened a mental health urgent care department. It greatly reduced the number of patients attending Basildon Hospital’s emergency department and helped patients in crisis return home safely when, before, they may have been admitted.

Practice Plus Group: The first of its kind in Health-in-Justice: an integrated Special Care Unit at HMP Staford

This integrated unit includes palliative beds, physiotherapy and occupational therapy, and prevents the need for outsourcing. It has meant patients need not walk through a local hospital wearing handcufs, and escort and bedwatch costs have been reduced.

Shefield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust: Multiple sclerosis pregnancy project

A nurse-led joint multiple sclerosis (MS) and obstetric service was created to ensure pregnant people with MS did not fall between two services or receive conflicting advice. The first service of its kind in the UK, it meant patients knew who to contact when needing support.

Shefield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust: Team Around the Person

A myriad of complex pathways based on symptoms or patient cohort type led to disjointed care for patients with complex needs. Multiple partners collaborated to create the Team Around the Person, which brought together relevant services to develop pathways to support patients.

Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust: REACH (Reducing Exclusion for Adults with Complex Housing needs) team

By linking with homeless services, the team aimed to house people so substance misuse and mental health interventions could be implemented. Several people were housed and had their health needs assessed. Contact with crisis mental health services decreased.

United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust, Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust and NHS Lincolnshire ICB: Development of an integrated county-wide heart failure service

Supported by the Care Closer to Home Board, patients, GPs nurses and commissioners, two trusts and an integrated care board set out to deliver patient-centred care for heart failure patients that was closer to home. Care was improved and £1.25m was saved.

University College London Hospital NHS Foundation Trust: Community outreach clinic for intrathecal baclofen refills

By working with staf and a range of healthcare lcoations, an outreach service was created so specialist hospital staf could refill intrathecal baclofen pumps in facilities closer to patients’ homes. Early evaluation data indicated that eiciency and the patient experience improved.

West Hertfordshire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust: Hospital ISVA (Independent Sexual Violence Adviser)
project: supporting victims in an acute trust

Work with the local police and crime commissioner was done to determine how to provide efective care for victims of sexual violence/abuse presenting to an acute trust. An independent sexual violence adviser was recruited to see patients and train hospital staf to provide compassionate care.