Dame Elizabeth Anionwu Award for Inclusivity in Nursing and Midwifery


Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust: Kofoworola Abeni Pratt Fellowship

Extensive engagement with nurses and midwives from minoritised backgrounds at the trust revealed that they felt hindered from undertaking enriching activities – such as shadowing, mentoring or stretch projects – and that this negatively afected their success in recruitment. It became clear that taught courses were not the answer– opportunities were needed for growth and experience.

To address the racial and ethnic disparities that existed in leadership trust-wide, nurses, midwives and allied health professionals co-created the fellowship. This immersive leadership programme enabled five people to work part-time in the chief nurse’s ofice for a year. It gave them exposure to leadership experiences that would not have been available in clinical services.


British Sikh Nurses: #ReStartAHeart campaign

To increase survival chances for South Asians with coronary heart disease, they were ofered Punjabi-language education sessions and leaflets on cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Talks on healthy living and eating were targeted at the Sikh community via gurdwaras and volunteers.

Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust: Creating a culturally safe maternity unit

To tackle discrimation and inequalities, the maternity service ensured service users could raise concerns when needed, and trained all staf in unconscious bias, microagressions and allyship. Resources were reviewed to ensure their suitability for all service users, including trans men.

Dementia UK: The Chinese Welfare Trust Admiral Nurse clinic

A Cantonese- and Mandarin-speaking Admiral Nurse service was launched to increase dementia awareness/recognition among the Chinese community in five London boroughs. Out of 77 requests for a face-to-face or telephone appointment received in a year, 51 people were seen.

Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust: Critical Care personalised hair and skin care project

The intensive care unit at St Thomas’ Hospital sourced appropriate combs and creams to provide the right basic care for people with diferent hair textures and skin colours. Staf were trained in their use and the experience of more than 250 vulnerable patients was improved.

King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust: Harnessing the expertise of overseas qualified nurses working as care support workers in UK

Research on the value and skills of Internationally educated nurses working in the UK was undertaken. It led to the Supporting Information From Employer pathway being implemented, which enabled hundreds of them to register with the Nursing and Midwifery Council.

Modality Partnership: Homeless Health Team

The team provided in-reach primary care into a hospital setting via admission to engage homeless patients and provide holisitic care. Following them into the community, it reduced readmission as well as discharge back to the streets, and improved referral rates to other services.

NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICB and Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust: Improving annual health check uptake and quality for ethnic minorities with a learning disability

A learning disability (LD) nurse was hired to give targeted outreach support to people from minoritised ethnicities with LD. Suitable locations for annual health checks were arranged, multilingual support materials were produced and reasonable adjustments made.

North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust: ABC parents

This outreach initiative aimed to increase the community’s child health knowledge by delivering regular, free education sessions and teaching basic life support. Multilingual and peer support groups helped improve parents’ mental health, and reduce inequalities and isolation.

North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust: Paediatric HIV service

A nurse-led service was developed for babies and children born to mothers with HIV. Community visits and flexible outpatient follow-ups enabled access to diagnostic tests and interventions as early as possible. All patients ended up having unrecordable viral loads.

Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust: Meet PEET (Patient Experience Engagement Team)

A team comprising nurses with special interests, non-clinical staf and volunteers developed an engagement programme to understand and meet its population’s needs. Events were run and mini health checks ofered in the community.

Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust: The STAR (Supporting Treatment in Additional-needs Requirements) team

The team provided patients who had complex care needs with a bespoke, holistic care pathway to improve their perioperative journey. A sensory suite was also opened for adults with complex care needs to reduce pharmaceutical use.