Children’s Services


DHU Healthcare, Nottingham Children’s Hospital and University Hospitals Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust: A wish to die at home: making this possible for children

The Palliative Care Urgent Response Service (PCURS) enables people with urgent palliative healthcare needs to stay at home. Collaboration between the PCURS, Nottingham’s paediatric oncology team and Derbyshire’s community children’s nursing team enabled the service to be extended to children and their families, so they could also die at home if they wished. Communication, care planning, medication doses and plans, 24-hour staf support and the chance to debrief after a death were all put in place. Parents whose child died at home were grateful to have had the opportunity for this to happen.


Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust: Transformation of children’s emergency department pathways into a pioneering model

An increased number of children were attending the emergency department and admitted to wards unnecessarily. Our initiative focused on redesigning clinical areas so children’s nurses were available 24/7 to improve care quality and access to services for patients, and make sure they only stayed in hospital when necessary. Admissions decreased and relationships with partner agencies were strengthened.

Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust: Emergency department nurse navigators

Specialist safeguarding nurses with training and experience in adverse childhood experiences, trauma-informed care, sexual and criminal exploitation, and safeguarding were employed as emergency department navigators. Visiting hotspots to locate children at risk of harm, they work to prevent them from becoming victims of violence. Expanding the service from Blackpool to span Lancashire reduced health inequalities, serious violence and knife crime.

Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust: Raising the voice of the child with health conditions

An educational tool using children’s own imagery and experiences was created to enhance primary school children’s knowledge of diabetes and help them understand the needs of their peers who had it. Images drawn by three children with type 1 diabetes were used in an animation. A safe, inclusive environment in which a diverse range of children could ask questions about diabetes was created. Children felt it was educational and fun; teachers said it was a fantastic resource and asked for it to be added to training packages used by school nurses.

Chestnut Tree Children’s Hospice Care: Promoting children and families’ wellbeing and reducing social isolation post pandemic

After Covid-19, paediatric palliative care required a new approach to adequately support children and young people and their families. A lead engagement nurse was introduced to implement and lead a series of events and activities to address the isolation they had reported. Breakfast clubs, coffee mornings, pottery classes, and toddler, youth, bereavement and dads’ groups were set up. Parents, carers and children attended more activities, felt supported and made new friends.

Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust: Using an ambulatory pump to optimise pain management

A need to improve complex and refractory pain management and to develop staff who could provide more- effective analgesia using ambulatory patient-controlled/proxy-patient controlled analgesia pumps in all settings was recognised. Patient education leaflets, practice guidelines and step-by-step guides were written to supplement virtual training sessions. A training programme was set up, 300 nurses were trained and 60 patients benefited from the ambulatory pump. Pain control, mobility and quality of life all improved.

Kingston Hospital NHS Foundation Trust: Nurse-led initiatives to empower parents to confidently partner in the care of their baby

Family-centred, but medically led, care transitioned to a partnership in which parents were empowered to play a key role in decision making and caring for their infants. Unrestricted visiting, parental involvement in ward rounds and a staff training programme resulted in more babies breastfeeding at discharge and shorter hospital stays. Loving family relationships were bolstered, and valued partnerships between parents and health professionals were created.

North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust: Paediatric HIV service

Several young patients living with HIV required admission for monitoring due to non-concordance with medication, so a nurse-led service was developed for babies and children born to mothers with HIV. Community visits and flexible outpatient follow-ups enabled access to diagnostic tests and interventions as early as possible. The service achieved some of the best outcomes in the country with 100% of patients, including those transitioning to adult services, having unrecordable viral loads.