Care of Older People

2023 Winner

Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust: Eye Envoys

In the UK, 80% of people aged >60 years live with sight loss and it is predicted that, by 2050, prevalence will double. The Eye Envoy training course was devised by two nurses to upskill local community teams in care homes to improve service delivery, decision making, risk management and supervisory capacity in eye care. The course was delivered over three days to 24 nurses from across eight North London care homes, with a reach of 614 care home residents. It aimed to give delegates the knowledge to support people’s existing conditions and insight to be alert for deterioration or new problems. Post-programme assessments noted marked improvement in delegates knowledge of eye care and the course is now being rolled out further.


Foundation Trust: Ageing Well

This education and training programme promoted a mindset of prevention and an understanding of positive lifestyle changes that support older people to make healthy choices and increase their likelihood of ageing well. It also helped clinicians to deliver more-holistic care.

Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Foundation Trust: Dementia Palliative Care Team

The team’s main aim was to improve care for people in Derbyshire living and dying with dementia, who had mental and physical health needs. Focused on helping them stay at home, the service proved valuable in meeting patients’ palliative and advanced care planning needs, and supporting their families.

Heart of Kent Hospice: Dementia Service

 The service allows GPs to refer patients for specialist, personalised clinical and emotional support immediately after diagnosis. Never discharged, patients can start advanced care planning while they have capacity. The team also runs a monthly drop-in where carers can access information and peer support.

Hospice Isle of Man: A nurse-led therapeutic support group for people living with dementia and their carers

Your Network is a monthly informal group that allows carers to maintain the social contact and peer support gained while attending a bespoke training course. The eight-week training aimed to reduce carer stress and improve their knowledge and confidence in dealing with people living with dementia.

Landermeads Nursing Home: Quality of life and continence promotion in long-term dementia care

This home ‘grows its own’ staff and its training focuses on empathy. Problems due to inappropriate continence products were addressed. Residents are happier and behaviours of concern, falls and urinary tract infections have reduced.

NAViGO Health and Social Care CIC: Janine Smith Suite

This complex care unit was set up to address limited access to specialised dementia care. Patients and families reported improved quality of life, greater satisfaction and better management of their needs. Out-of-area placement decreased, and medication, behavioural and symptom management all improved.

NHS England: Recondition the Nation

This campaign attempted to reach as many teams and patients nationwide as possible to promote ‘deconditioning prevention’. Over 900 medals have been awarded for initiatives implemented, and the number of medal applications continues to grow, reflecting the ongoing momentum of the campaign.

NHS Norfolk and Waveney ICB and Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust: Dementia diagnosis in care homes

This work aimed to: increase awareness of dementia and its effects; test an advanced symptoms assessment model; reduce wait times in memory assessment services; and increase staff confidence/ competence. Inter-organisational relationships improved, and NHS England has funded 14 sites to replicate the drive.

The Queen Elizabeth Hospital King’s Lynn NHS Foundation Trust: Let’s Get Moving

This quality improvement initiative to prevent deconditioning in older patients on Feltwell Ward set out to get them out of bed and dressed, and enhance their wellbeing. Innovative methods resulted in significant improvements in their functional independence, optimised patient flow and happier staff.

Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust: Use of technology in patients with diabetes

All patients with type 2 diabetes in a community nursing team were given a continuous glucose monitoring device and taught how to use it. Data from the device were analysed by a diabetes specialist nurse and medications were changed or stopped accordingly. This led to an improvement in care and a decrease in the team’s workload.

Swansea Bay University Health Board: Diabetes education and information resource

A web-based resource was produced to improve the knowledge and confidence of clinicians and carers of older people with diabetes in a care setting. The tool is free to access, includes links to further resources and has been widely shared across Wales, where health boards have used it to educate their staff.