Amanda Young, The Queen's Nursing Institute
Amanda Young
Director of nursing programmes
The Queen's Nursing Institute

Amanda qualified at the London Hospital in 1987, and has a varied career including a year in Canada, before focussing on becoming a District Nurse and Community Practice Teacher in Newham, East London. This was followed by an academic career at London Southbank University teaching adult nurses running a community nursing module prior to focusing on end of life care and moving to NELFT in East London to become the Lead Palliative Care nurse, working strategically to improve end of life care across the organisation. Amanda completed her PhD in palliative care in 2016 and moved back into nurse education at ARU and then started at the QNI in 2021 and was promoted to the Director of Nursing Programmes (innovation and policy) at the beginning of 2023.. Amanda is passionate about community nursing, education, communication, walking, swimming and being a dog owner.