Julie Gray, The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre
Julie Gray
Chief nurse
The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre

 Julie was appointed as Chief Nurse of The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre in October 2021 and is responsible for patient safety, patient experience, quality, infection prevention and control and for the leadership of the nursing and allied health professional workforce. Having spent 20 years in oncology Julie is passionate about improving the quality and safety of the care provided to people who have an active cancer diagnosis or are living their lives with and after cancer treatment and for supporting the staff who provide their care. Prior to joining The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre Julie held several senior roles including Director of Nursing and Infection Prevention & Control within The Christie NHS Foundation Trust. Julie began her clinical nursing career in 1990 and worked in a variety of roles in surgery and intensive care in Manchester and London. In 2017 Julie became a scholar of the Florence Nightingale Foundation. Julie also has a Masters Degree in Leadership in Health & Social Care, a Post Graduate Certificate in Education and an honours degree in Health Service Management & Health Promotion.