As a University of Sheffield Nursing graduate, Emma Richards was a staff nurse Bassetlaw District General Hospital stroke unit, prior to moving into clinical research nursing, as Research Sister at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust where she has been pivotal to significant expansion of the stroke research portfolio. Emma, now a Senior Sister, leads the Stroke Research Delivery team, who are all dedicated to improving patient outcomes through Research.
Emma and colleagues, developed a Stroke Trial Tracker, earning them a NT Award in 2024. This innovative time-saving electronic system automatically screens stroke patients requiring rapid assessment and treatment, for trial eligibility.
Emma has graduated the Trust Healthcare Professionals internship programme through evaluating stroke patients’ information needs. Emma also works one day a week for Yorkshire and Humber Local Clinical Research Network to implement processes establishing regional continuing care centers to provide increased research participation opportunities for our underserved populations.
Emma Richards
Senior stroke research sister
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust