Charlotte McArdle, NHS England
Charlotte McArdle
Deputy CNO for England
NHS England

Professor Charlotte McArdle is a Registered Nurse and the Deputy Chief Nursing Officer for Quality, Safety, Sustainability and Women’s Health, NHS England. Charlotte is leading policy work on same sex accommodation, care partners for patients, and a range of safety and improvement programmes. Alongside this Charlotte leads the nursing professions response to sustainable healthcare recognising the role nurses and midwives play to reduce climate change and making strong links between the health of the planet and the health of the population. Womens health is a key feature in Charlotte’s portfolio. As former Chief Nursing Officer at the Department of Health for Northern Ireland, Charlotte was the head of the Nursing and Midwifery professions. Charlotte has extensive experience of working in government administration, shaping strategic policy in partnership working, co-production, public involvement and patient experience, cancer services, intermediate and community care, global healthcare challenges, health inequity, and system transformation.