Benash Nazmeen, University of Bradford
Benash Nazmeen
Assistant professor in midwifery
University of Bradford

Benash Nazmeen is a Midwife, a mentor and currently working in Midwifery Education. She is passionate about addressing health inequalities & invested in improving maternity services for those we care for and those who work in them. She has co-designed and runs Cultural Competency and Safety Workshops for maternity Health care professionals. This successful course has been used as a case study of good practice for the NHS Equity and Equality Guidance for Local Maternity Systems, September 2021. She co-founded The Association of South Asian Midwives (ASAM), they work to support marginalised midwives & raise awareness of barriers faced by diverse communities. Benash is also the Co-Chair for the Racial Injustice in UK Maternity Services Inquiry by Birth Rights Charity. She sits on the MBRRACE-UK Perinatal Confidential Enquiry Review Panel, the RHO maternity stakeholder group & is a trustee for the Iolanthe Midwifery Trust. Benash is a Fellow for the Royal College of Midwives, has been shortlisted for the "RCM Race Matters awards 2021" and Winner of the "Ground-breaking Researcher" award at the BAME Health & Care awards 2022.