Midwife of the Year


Laura Walton: King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Laura is an incredible midwife, who has gone above and beyond to ensure women and birthing people are supported in a maternity service that is trauma informed and ofers individualised care. She has started many support groups and inspires others by sharing how she did this. In addition, she has achieved additional support by presenting at multiple events and to the UK’s perinatal mental health midwives forum. Suicide remains the leading cause of maternal death for women and birthing people, and Laura is working tirelessly to ensure all are signposted to support through a variety of services. Kind, caring, accessible and responsive, she progressed from being a midwife in a team that cares for women with serious mental illness to being its leader.


Joyce Adu-Amankwah: St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Joyce is relentless in her dedication to ensuring the safety of expectant families. Her work in haemoglobinopathy has been outstanding and her skill when dealing with emergencies is evident. Visualising potential in herself and others, she has dedicated time to share her wealth of knowledge through webinars and study days. She is greatly admired by colleagues and the families for whom she cares alike.

Rachel Croll: Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust

Having created the role of trauma- informed midwife in the maternal mental health service, Rachel has delevoped it to become an integral part of the service. With her specialist knowledge and experience, and her compassionate nature, she has proved an asset for both professionals and clients. Women feel supported, listened to and cared for, which improves outcomes for them and their babies.

Anna Croot: The Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust

Anna has single-handedly transformed the way in which the wellbeing of the foetus is interpreted in the trust. She recognised and researched the benefits of using a physiological approach to evaluate the foetal heart and nervous system and reduce the incidence of hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy in newborns. She developed guidelines and training for staff, while keeping families’ and service user experience at the fore.

Natasha McCormack: The Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust

Natasha is an exceptional midwife with a passion for public health. Her role initially was as a smoking cessation lead, but she transformed it to encompass public health as a whole. An excellent teacher, she has led the way in terms of offering support and advice, not only to women and pregnant people, but also to her peers locally and across the integrated care system.

Kate Raney: University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust

For more than two years, Kate has been dedicated to improving the experience of women and families undergoing Caesarean birth under general anaesthetic. She has developed invaluable resources for these families, presented to key stakeholders, secured hospital charity funding and regularly promotes the project through maternity, research and psychology updates – much of which has been done in her own time.

Gail Roberts: Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust

Gail is an inspirational midwife, who coordinates a very busy birth centre. The care she delivers is outstanding and she always puts the women in her care first, ensuring she advocates for them and their babies. Alongside that, she gels with all members of the multidisciplinary team and is an excellent team leader. She is supportive of more-junior members of staff, always willing to teach and instils confidence in her team.