Cathy Harrison, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Cathy Harrison
Advanced Nurse Practitioner In Haemophilia and Haemostasis Disorders
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Cathy has worked in the Sheffield Haemophilia & Thrombosis Centre caring for adults with inherited & acquired haemostasis disorders since 2006. She is a keen advocate for the patient and families needs, focusing on shared decision making, health education, service development, women's health & ageing. She has run a number of projects evaluating the role of Nurse Specialists within bleeding disorders care & is currently working on one on advanced practice. She runs the national Contemporary Care course for people living with bleeding disorders supporting nurses and allied health professionals to develop their knowledge & skills in this field. She is the chair of the World Federation of Hemophilia nurses committee & works with many of the associated patient organisations including The Haemophilia Society, TTP Network & VWD alliance on many of their patient events & projects. Cathy was winner of the Nursing Times Nurse of the Year award 2024.