Sharon Sundersingh, Luton and Dunstable University Hospital
Sharon Sundersingh
Trainee Advanced Critical Care Practitioner
Luton and Dunstable University Hospital

Sharon Sundersingh, a trainee advanced critical care practitioner in Critical Care Unit of Luton and Dunstable University Hospital. ‘Not to minister unto but to minister’ is the call for nursing. After, completing her Nursing degree in 2004 from Christian Medical College, Vellore, India I had the privilege to serve in the mission hospital in Ranchi and thereafter in various other hospitals in Tamilnadu, India. I have worked as a staff nurse, clinical Instructor and tutor in several institutions. In 2009, I moved to the United Kingdom and started as overseas nurse in L&D Hospital’s Respiratory unit. There I progressed to be a Sister in 2013. From being a sister in Respiratory unit , I moved to be a sister in High Dependency unit in the same trust and in 2019, advanced to become senior sister/ ward manager in Critical Care Unit. In my career, i have mentored, taught and supported students and staffs. At work place I am known for hard working, caring and calm nature in handling both patients and staff. As a British Indian Nurse, with the rich values of two great nations I believe to create a difference in nursing.