Obi Amadi is Lead Professional Officer for Unite the Union’s health sector incorporating all health and care professional groups. She is also the Community Practitioners’ and Health Visitors’ Association (CPHVA) Director. She is a nurse, midwife, health visitor, nurse practitioner and worked as an NHS locality manager. Her role involves leading strategically on professional issues and supporting professional activity. She works with the UK Governments and other stakeholders on policy development. She is passionate about reducing inequalities in health and promoting the diversity agenda. “We all have a vital role to play, shaping and delivering health improvement to our populations, this is more important now and I am committed to support practitioners’ to do this” She was voted a Health Service Journal BME Pioneers (2014) and was awarded a Health and Social Care BME Award for services to the NHS (2013). Past chair of the Mary Seacole Awards Steering Group.
Obi Amadi
Lead Professional Officer
Unite the Union